Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Ave, Morgan Freeman!

Say what you will about Morgan Freeman's checkered past, but the guy has made some pronouncements that the left ought to listen to. In the video below, Freeman agrees with Denzel Washington's stance about not wanting to be known simply as "a black man." Toward the end of the video, Freeman is quoted as saying, "...but black is not all that I am."

To me, that right there is the kicker. People on the left generally can't see beyond their own demographics. A woman goes to college and majors in women's studies. A black student goes to college and majors in African-American studies. An Asian kid majors in Asian studies. It's all so navel-gazingly retarded. And these are the same sorts of people who start conversations by leading off with their demographic: "As a handicapped person of color, I..."—that sort of bullshit. How about leading with, "As a human being..." But they can't do that because human being is too universal, and since the leftist mind-virus is rooted in postmodernism, which rejects universals, seeing our common humanity is impossible for people on the left. And that's how you end up with leftie college students demanding safe spaces on campus for specific races, separate graduation ceremonies for specific races, and so on. As someone bitterly joked, we might as well erase all the good work of civil-rights activists and return to the 50s, with water fountains and cafés labeled "Colored." What utter nonsense.

Hmm. I see that this video got removed. I'm assuming Josiah got some flak for uploading a video about Morgan Freeman, who was accused of sleeping with his step-granddaughter some years back. The guy's not exactly a moral paragon even if he is right on this issue. 

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