Monday, April 17, 2023

deep sound bite

I've watched some Simon Sinek videos before, and I run hot and cold where he's concerned, but the short video below (about 2 minutes) makes a really deep point:

As always, my thoughts turn to the company I work for.

And what Sinek says about trustworthiness versus performance could be applied to Donald Trump's major flaw: his inability to create an inner circle of truly loyal people. Maybe Trump should heed Sinek's wisdom: it's better to have a mediocre performer/achiever who's highly trustworthy than it is to have a high performer/achiever who's not trustworthy.

1 comment:

  1. Hadn't really thought of it like that before, but yeah, high performers stand out in the crowd, even when they are assholes. Still, a toxic personality can negatively impact the performance of co-workers, so that's another factor to consider.



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