Saturday, April 29, 2023

Styx no longer likes DeSantis

Styx had earlier said Ron DeSantis was "growing on" him, but there was a line that DeSantis should never cross, and DeSantis has now crossed it for Styx:

"DeSantis has just gone full Dan Crenshaw."

The bill DeSantis signed curtails free speech.

Comments underneath Styx's video include:

DeSantis says he’s against cancel culture and for free speech and then proceeds to embrace cancel culture against the First Amendment. He’s an opportunist.

Never trust a politician with a leg on each side of the fence. He is one of them.

Of my three biggest problems with Desantis, this is just the icing. He already supported red flags and persecuting pet owners for an industrial accident so his developer buddies don’t take the heat. How could you think of supporting him in the first place?

One of the first things Ron DeSantis did as governor was literally act like Donald Trump during his speeches.

It was always an act.

Imagine thinking any millennial, even if Republican, is going to vote for a second George W. Bush.

People should have been skeptical of Ron Desantis simply from who finances him. He's a career politician. He's a bit better than the rest, but he's not an outsider and he's certainly not against the system.

A lot of people who warned of Desantis being Bush 3.0 are feeling very vindicated right now.

The bill in question sounds innocent enough (read more here), but I'll need to review it in detail before I can form a proper opinion on the subject.

Related: Trump the Only Way Forward

One paragraph from the above-linked post that I disagree with:

The idea that large numbers of Americans are going to “wake up” and “push back” is simply a cope. That’s not how popular opinion works. The idea that Americans are going to see transgenderism as a bridge too far is, I think, much overhyped. I remember the gay marriage “debates,” such as they were. I remember Prop 8 passing in 2008 in California. I also remember how none of these setbacks for the Left ultimately had any bearing in the end. By 2015, gay marriage was the law of the land. Today it is untouchable liberal orthodoxy supported by a majority of Americans, including large numbers of “conservatives.”

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