Thursday, April 27, 2023

toe update

Not that I want to bombard you with daily reports, but today, I wore my regular shoes, and I wanted you to see what effect that has on my foot in contrast to the effect of sandals.

a tiny bit of seepage—not enough to pre-wash the sock

The leaking still gets through the thicker gauze bandage I use during the day.

what the leak looks like on the inside of the bandage

There's still a hole, but it seems smaller.

It almost feels as if we're in the latter phase of wound closure, but it's hard to be sure. I'm thinking that I've got another couple of months as the size of the leakage continues to go down bit by bit. I'm seeing my doc this coming Friday; we'll soon know how that goes. Aside from my massive bleed after that disastrous hospital visit, I haven't tracked blood all over my floor in about a month. All signs seem to be pointing toward real healing.


  1. Excellent news! Definitely appears to be healing. Some walking might be in the cards this summer after all! But keep up with the meds and bandaging regimen just to be on the safe side. Does your local doc still have you on antibiotics? Anything else in the pharmacopeia?

  2. Yeah, I'm still on the same antibiotics; the doc simply looked at my prescription from D&F Hospital and didn't change anything. No new meds have been prescribed. Thanks for checking in.



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