Saturday, April 01, 2023

why the hell am I up so early?

I've been up since around 7 a.m. today.

Getting up at a single-digit hour isn't usually my thing, but going back on the Newcastle diet, a diet I did two years ago* after coming out of the hospital, has once again given me a certain energy level, and it may be helping me to reorient my sleep schedule a bit.

Expect more positive news as the diet continues. Oh, and even though I'm not distance walking, I am continuing with my stairs training. In a couple months, this ought to result in a much lower blood pressure (again... we've been here before).

As I've said previously, the problem with fitness is that it's a hamster wheel you can never leave. Once you're on the wheel, you can't step off even once, or you'll pay the price because detraining starts immediately. The dividends of being fit are obvious, but for a lazy slob like me, fitness is also a lot of work. I think, ultimately, the secret is to engage in something you enjoy. Once I get back to distance walking, I'll be a lot happier.


*At a friend's recommendation. Shout-out to Neil.


  1. HaHa! Seven, you say? That's sleeping in for me!

    Seriously though, whatever your sleep schedule, your energy level has always been impressive to me. I'm always like, "where does he find the time?" The multitude of videos you view, the movies and books you enjoy and then review along with multiple other blog posts, plus work and exercise. You, my friend, are the antithesis of laziness. Starting earlier will just add to the fun.

    Good luck with your new normal!

  2. True enough, and even when I wake up routinely at 5 or 5:30 a.m. during my long walks, I'm still not waking up as early as you.



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