Thursday, May 25, 2023

interesting analysis of DeSantis's stance by Doug in Exile

This video is under 2.5 minutes long. Watch it at 2X speed and be done in under 75 seconds. Doug analyzes DeSantis's first campaign video, which focuses on Biden and wokeism, not Trump (i.e., DeSantis is staying focused and on message). Not a bad start for DeSantis, and not a bad analysis by Doug.


  1. I'd call that a good start! As Doug makes clear, DeSantis focuses on the true enemy of our freedom, Joe Biden. But in doing so, I think he also comes across as stronger than Trump in that regard. Should be interesting to see if his message resonates with the sane majority of Americans.

  2. Some of his message resonates, but he needs more time to cook. We know what we have in anti-swamp Trump, not so much with the very young and uncharismatic DeSantis. Even fervent DeSantis supporter Tim Pool is in the Trump camp, and today's Twitter fiasco wasn't a good start for his campaign.

  3. The glitchiness of DeSantis's Twitter announcement was all thanks to Twitter, I gather, so while I can see DeSantis being frustrated by this, I think Elon Musk ought to be outright embarrassed by it. You're right, though: a glitchy start isn't a good start. DeSantis will just have to shake it off and soldier on. He's got a major poll gap to narrow. Can he do that? A lot depends on how he presents his message and his platform.



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