Wednesday, August 30, 2023

new post at Kevin's Walk 7

I got a request to post a heads-up here every time I put up a new post at the walk blog, so I guess I can't trust people to just check the blog semi-regularly on their own. In other words, I'm your secretary now, leaving you reminders.

Here we are, then: check out the new post at my 2023 walk blog. It's not about anything special. Just a bit of kvetching about merch that hasn't arrived yet.

Honestly, guys, I'm probably not going to put up a reminder here every time I post there. The reminders I do put up are a courtesy; I've already made you aware of the new walk blog (and its link is up on my sidebar), so it's up to you to check it whenever you want to. Traditionally, my walk blogs never get many hits, so I'm not expecting much traffic—not even when I'm on the walk itself. So no pressure: check in if you want, or don't. It's all good.


  1. Once the walk begins and you post daily, checking every day will become routine. Most mornings, I'm lucky to remember my name, so a link for the mentally impaired is a kindness I appreciate. But I don't want to be an inconvenience, so I'll try to make it a habit to visit periodically.

  2. Please don't feel obliged to check in on a regular basis—just do it whenever the spirit moves you.



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