Thursday, August 31, 2023

this Friday night: another Yangpyeong-Yeoju walk

When disaster strikes, it's not a good idea to sit around avoiding things associated with the disaster, so this coming Friday evening, I'll be doing the same 33K Yangpyeong-to-Yeoju walk I did three weeks ago—the one where I fell. This will be another nighttime walk because we're not done with summer, and it's still too hot to think about doing long walks during the day. But if the AccuWeather forecast is correct, the hours from Friday night to Saturday morning are going to get down to the 60s (66ºF, or 19ºC), which is unusually cool for the end of August (cool nights are more of a mid to late-September thing, with the first half of September being the tail end of Korean summer). Magnificent. Perfect walking weather for an overheating fatso like yours truly. If I can, I plan to take a picture of the offending ledge at Ipo Dam that caused me to trip last time. I'm finally getting my phone screen repaired (or my phone replaced) this coming Friday morning, so Friday's going to be a long day, but I'll at least have a perfectly working phone for the walk. It's a two-hour ride out to Yangpyeong, so I'll have time to nap on the subway if I'm tired. I'll remember to bring my water and pain pills. Won't need any rain gear this time, but I might—if I remember—bring along some saline solution and a contact-lens container for when my eyes get all mucus-y. Be prepared, as the Scouts say.

1 comment:

  1. I'm ready and willing to join you on Friday night. Vicariously, though it may be. Maybe you can leave a memorial on that ledge that caused The Great Fall of 2023!

    Good luck, enjoy, and put that new phone's camera to work!



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