a. a person or thing that shows the existence or direction of a trendb. a nicknamec. a moderate or small amount
2. What does PAVLOVIAN mean?
a. very old, old-fashioned, or out of date; antiquatedb. favorable to or promoting health; healthfulc. of, relating to, or characteristic of Pavlov or his work, especially of experiments in which he elicited predictable responses from laboratory animals
3. What does EUDEMONIA mean?
a. happiness; well-beingb. an obsessive need to constantly check emails, social media websites, online news, etc.c. a satire or lampoon, especially one posted in a public place
4. What does SPUMESCENT mean?
a. foamy; foamlike; frothyb. pertaining to or resembling alchemy; alchemicc. something that strongly attracts attention by its brilliance, interest, etc.
5. What does PITHY mean?
a. sandy; grittyb. brief, forceful, and meaningful in expressionc. of the color of brick; brick-red
6. What does INTERLOCUTOR mean?
a. a person who investigatesb. a person who takes part in a conversation or dialoguec. a person whose diet is mostly vegetarian, with occasional meat, fish, or poultry
7. What does PROFLIGATE mean?
a. recklessly extravagantb. incessantc. courteous, gracious, and having a sophisticated charm
Answers between the brackets below. Highlight to see.
[1. c, 2. c, 3. a., 4. a, 5. b, 6. b, 7. a]
Interesting. I'd never heard of eudemonia or spumescent before. Guessed right on #3, and missed #4.
ReplyDeleteI was sure I'd written about it, but an archive search showed only one mention of the Greek "eudaimonia," with no explanation of the word given. (Roughly, "human flourishing.")