Friday, February 16, 2024

commenting is a pain

I've received many, many complaints about how it's so difficult to comment on this blog. This page brings up the idea that, by changing my settings from "pop-up window" to "full page," commenting might be easier. I've made that change, so we'll see.

Those of you already able to comment ought to experience little to no difference in the commenting process, but others of you might see a change. Here's hoping.

ADDENDUM: I've also set my Chrome browser to "allow third-party cookies." I don't know what that does to my security situation, but if it helps to unclog the commenting process for some of my commenters, it may be worth it.


  1. Test comment after having signed out of Google; commenting as "Anonymous" but signing my name in the comment per my own comment policy.


  2. The comment worked: it underwent moderation, I approved it, and voilĂ .

  3. Hey hey!! I’m commenting! freaking great

  4. Well, I just left a comment on the previous post. I liked the old way better. I could just close the pop-up window after I was done; now, I have to back-click twice to return to the blog. I hope in doing so, I'm not undoing the comment. We shall see.

  5. John,

    It looks as though there's no way to make everyone happy no matter what I do. For what it's worth, your two comments this morning came through fine. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I have readers who insist they couldn’t comment at all with the old system. One such reader told me everything's okay now. We'll see whether this new thing works for more people. If not, I may have to try something else.

  6. It's no big deal for me...just one additional click. I was just worried that clicking back might erase the comment; since that is not the case, I'm good.



All comments are subject to approval before they are published, so they will not appear immediately. Comments should be civil, relevant, and substantive. Anonymous comments are not allowed and will be unceremoniously deleted. For more on my comments policy, please see this entry on my other blog.