Friday, June 28, 2024

debate aftermath: the trounce and the spin

How was the debate?

I didn't watch, but the right, at least, is calling this a resounding Trump victory. Trump stayed on point, remained calm and fairly presidential, and didn't evince any of the old-man nonsense plaguing Biden, such as blanking out at a question and mumbling his responses. 

Stephen Green's "drunkblogged" debate commentary is here.

The debate was seen by many as a train wreck.

Wow, that was brutal. Just brutal.

From the moment Joe Biden first spoke, it was clear this was going to be a bad night for him. My only conclusion is that all the talk about Biden potentially being drugged for this debate to boost his performance ultimately scared the campaign from doing just that.

This was a huge gamble for the Biden campaign to have Joe debate Trump, and they lost big time. But don't take my word for it.

Politico reports that "Democrats expressed confusion and concern as they watched the first minutes of the event. One former Biden White House and campaign aide called it 'terrible,' adding that they have had to ask themselves over and over 'What did he just say? This is crazy.''"

Another veteran Democratic operative texted, “Biden seems to have needed a few minutes to warm up. I wonder if the lack of an audience was the right decision. And poor guy needs a tea. Maybe a whiskey.”

The motherfucker had a week to prepare!

One Instapundit commenter told me, regarding the Dems, that "They don't really have to spend time convincing anyone Biden won the debate. All they have to do is keep repeating that Trump lied and is a convicted felon."

The "felon" line got used by Biden during the debate, prompting Trump to respond that Biden's son was a convicted felon. This is how it works, Joe.

There's a lame assertion that Biden had a cold.

Lots of comments about how Joe looked lost and stare-y, and how (as mentioned above) they didn't jack up his meds the way they had for his State of the Union address. There was also a moment when Joe mumbled something, prompting Trump to say, "I don’t know what he said at the end there. I don’t think he knows what he said."

Michelle Obama and Gavin Newsom are both trending on Twitter.

Another Trump zinger: "I wish he was a great president because I wouldn't be here right now."

Stephen Green notes Athena Thorne's commentary, saying she called it before the debate: "It's also a blessing that there won't be a live audience; Trump will be in CEO mode rather than in full live-rally bluster. The conditions are in place for him to revert to his natural form: a killer negotiator who will dominate his opponents."

If you were a betting man, whom would you bet on?

The upshot of all this is that the rumbling to replace Biden is getting way louder, but as commenters at Instapundit are pointing out, anyone they pick to replace Biden will simply continue his stupid agenda, so it changes nothing, and the needle won't really be moved. I think the Dems might be hoping that a replacement would be younger, more mentally coherent, and more dynamic, energizing fence-sitters to vote Democrat. But as others point out, who, at this point, is undecided? Looked at that way, debates are fairly useless.

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