Wednesday, July 24, 2024

evasive answers and lack of accountability

Headline (Not the Bee):

The Secret Service director [Kim Cheatle] isn't answering basic questions for the Oversight Committee so Jim Jordan went nuclear on her

The "article" isn't so much an article as a series of tweets, each prefaced by an editorial remark, which I'm pasting here. Click the above link to see the full display.

  • "I need an undisclosed amount of time before I can answer any questions about my absolute failure." —Kim Cheatle, essentially.
  • Rep. Jim Jordan turned up the heat after her stonewalling
  • Even the answers she did give were damning
  • (from a tweet) Good lord. US Secret Service Director Cheatle just testified that the building the shooter tried to assassinate Trump from was not in their security perimeter that day. The building 150 yards from a former president & current candidate for president w/ a direct line of sight?!
  • But she still thinks she's the best person to lead the Secret Service!
  • She did say, however, that she takes "full responsibility."
  • If that's so, why hasn't she resigned??

It should be the rule that, when people come before Congress and give evasive nonanswers, they should be taken forthwith to a nearby courtyard to be drawn and quartered. Just a few such sessions ought to convince later people not to stonewall.

ADDENDUM: Crooks's movements, tracked. (Scary. The ability to track, I mean.)

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