Wednesday, July 03, 2024

robot suicide?


South Korea has officially recorded its first robot suicide

I kinda figured after the robots gained sentience they'd, you know, take over and either kill or enslave us all.

Instead they're apparently just deciding to check out and off themselves:

A city council in South Korea said on Wednesday (Jun 26) their first administrative officer robot was defunct after throwing itself down some stairs, with local media mourning the country's first robot suicide.

South Korea's Gumi City Council announced the robot was found unresponsive after having apparently fallen down a 2m staircase last week.

No reason to worry about a robot takeover quite yet.

1 comment:

  1. Throwing yourself down a flight of stairs is not the first thing that comes to mind for me when it comes to suicide. The article isn't clear about whether that actually saw the robot in its final moments. Have they ruled out foul play? I think there needs to be an investigation into the robot's relationships with its human colleagues. I suppose it could have been a simple accident, but I am picturing a human-robot-human love triangle gone wrong.



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