Wednesday, July 03, 2024

salvaging the bad "carnivore" bread

French toast! If the problem with the "carnivore" loaf I'd made was that it had a bad texture and was too dry, then why not rescue it by using it in a preparation that would fundamentally alter that texture?

I made a rough custard with Bocha Sweet sweetener, cinnamon, a pinch of salt, heavy cream, and eggs.

I cut the bread into thick slabs.

It was then necessary to soak the bread in the custard.

Time to make French toast—what the French call pain perdu (lost bread).

More toasties toasting.

The final product, but without maple syrup, which got added later.

I tried making keto maple syrup with maple extract, confectioner's erythritol, and water, but it didn't come out as well as last time, so I threw it out and used the remainder of my real maple syrup... which of course defeated the purpose of eating "carnivore" French toast.

Still, the inedible bread became edible. Not great, but edible.

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