Tuesday, July 02, 2024

scenes from last night's walk

Last night's walk (still angina-free!) was revealing. I hadn't been by the Tan Creek for a while, and what I discovered was that most of the construction-related crap that had been piled up all over the below-the-bridge parking lots has now been quietly taken away. At first, I was mentally going Hooray!, but then it occurred to me that this is probably only temporary, for two reasons: (1) the ramp they're building alongside the creek is far from complete, so they need their building materials back, and more importantly, (2) the stuff probably got moved away because we're now in the jangma (monsoon) season. The Tan Creek is prone to flooding. It's been raining all today, and it'll be raining through a good part of tomorrow. I guess this past Saturday's long rain probably counts as the start of the jangma; June 29 is practically July, and the monsoon normally starts in July. Mother Nature is right on schedule.

The pics below might not have much meaning to you, but they have great meaning to me for what they don't show: piles of dirt, stacked concrete sewer pipes, metal beams, rebar and more rebar, and all the other bits and bobs needed for building an off-ramp. Enjoy the emptiness. For me, this means I can get back to walking through those under-the-bridge parking lots again instead of being confined to that one narrow path that goes right along the creek.

To me, this looks pretty bare and stark compared to, oh, a week ago.

Imagine piles and piles of stuff here (looking "back" Han-ward, creek right). This was unwalkable not long ago.

Looking "forward" as I walk back to my place, creek on the left. All eerily empty.

I'm betting the crap will return after the monsoon season is safely over—say, September.

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