Saturday, July 06, 2024

Tucker on Trump

From several weeks ago:

My one disagreement with what Tucker says is that it's not simply a matter of the left "somehow" ending up in control of the country: the right is very much at fault for its own fecklessness and passivity. If anything, the right willingly—in a move worthy of Neville Chamberlain—gave up control of the country. The right could learn a lot from the left about recognizing that this is a death struggle; about having a pit bull's determination; and about using any means necessary, including getting dirty, to get one's way. The right needs to learn from its long litany of mistakes, and it needs to drop the whole "we're better than this" act. That act gets you nowhere and earns you—deservedly—a kick in the head. The days of civility toward the left are over. Wake up.

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