Sunday, August 25, 2024

bread and blood sugar

blood sugar: 199 (yikes, and yet not)
blood pressure: 114/74 (normalizing)
weight: 112.25 kg (weight loss continues)
pulse-ox: 97%
pulse: 75
estimated A1c since 7/29: 5.87 (probably more than this)

I decided today might better be spent as a fasting day, and I'll tackle Saturday's leftovers over the coming week: they'll keep easily for a few days. My blood-sugar reading isn't too shocking: no matter how low-GI you think bread might be, unless it's specifically keto bread, well, bread is bread. I had another roll of Charles's bread last night after dinner, and that was enough to jack up my blood sugar pretty significantly. Over the long haul, the spike isn't tragic, nor is it unexpected. I'll eat Charles's remaining bread earlier in the day—say, around lunch instead of at dinner—then go back to the keto breads I've made (fathead dough or almond-flour base).

I had a nightmarish coughing spell last night; it forced me painfully out of bed, leaving me with a smothering/suffocating sensation, and for a short while, I wondered whether I was going to die. But the spell went away, and I did what I could to stave off panic.

The continued weight loss is reassuring. Yesterday's vegetarian meal doubtless helped in that regard. I might take a walk tonight, and I'll definitely be cleaning my stitches (peroxide wipe-down), replacing my regular bandages with waterproof ones, and having the first real shower I've had since August 10. Sponge baths are nice, but they're no substitute for a legitimate shower. In theory, the stitches will come out tomorrow after I take a cab to my place of work to visit my local doctor. I might also just pop into the office to resume work.

1 comment:

  1. The scariest part of that coughing fit is that you were home alone with no one available to assist or call for help. Glad you managed to get through it okay.



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