Tuesday, August 27, 2024

in the office next week

I'd thought that I'd be in the office this week, but when Monday morning rolled in, I made the command decision to keep working from home. So I'm home again this week, but I'll be in the office next week. Meanwhile, I'll work at my computer here and keep walking at night. My brother David is leaving for the States this coming Sunday, and my buddy Mike is arriving in Seoul on the 7th and staying until the 13th, essentially taking over for David. Somewhere in that time period, I'm supposed to meet up with my #3 Ajumma and cousin(s). Without going into details, I can say that Mike's been dealing with some health issues of his own, so while I'm happy to know he's on his way here, I feel bad that he's coming out this way at all.

But there's a nearly one-week lacuna between David's departure and Mike's arrival, and I ought to be good enough to go to the office starting next Monday. Hopefully, by the time Mike gets here, I'll be able to walk 5K without stopping. Fingers crossed.

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