Thursday, August 15, 2024

might stay in Samsung an extra few days

It's going to rack up my bill, but the boss convinced me to stay in hospital a few more days since I'm still complaining of weakness. I'm rich and have nothing better to do with my money, so I might as well use it for something, right? More news as it happens. 


  1. Good call! Better to have the doctors continue to monitor your condition for an extra day or two. Shouldn't add more than $200 or 300K to your bill. Expect a full bag of medicine upon discharge. Have they checked for blockages in any of your other arteries?

  2. They did an ultrasound maybe yesterday but didn't mention anything.

  3. Better safe than sorry, as they say. At least you get to enjoy all that awesome hospital food for a few more days.

  4. I agree, better safe than sorry. Hang in there.



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