Tuesday, August 13, 2024

near as I can figure, here's what happened

This might take a while to write as I get interrupted by this or that procedure. In fact, let's keep things short and sweet.

I've been in the hospital since Friday morning. A woman found me at work, trying and failing to climb the stairs. She asked whether I needed help; I of course said no, then collapsed. Very luckily, an ex-doctor was passing by; he either called 119 or had someone make the call. He kept me alive via CPR. I don't remember any of this, but the central fact of my existence since Friday has been extreme chest pain. Every time I cough or move is agony.

The heart attack was due to complete blockage of a blood vessel in my chest, which sounds suspiciously like what happened to my father in 2006 when he was 64. You'd think the docs would have caught a complete blockage well ahead of this, but such was not my luck. Anyway, I got stented.

My boss, who is my official guardian at Samsung Hospital, contacted my brothers, and possibly also my best buddy Michael. (Actually, one of my brothers contacted Michael via text.)

There's a lot more to talk and speculate about, but I'm expecting to see Sean tonight, and maybe Jeff at some point. David has apparently contrived a way to work remotely while in Seoul, so he ought to be fine. 

Basically, I'm not dead yet, but even if I die, I've programmed posts through most of December to occupy your attention. If I make it out of Samsung Hospital, I'll be sure to make a fuller report. 


  1. Oh jeez. Very happy to hear you're still alive, but that does not sound good at all. Thank goodness for the good Samaritan doctor and his CPR skills. Many people with stents go on to live full lives and survive for a decade or more, so all is definitely not lost. Will write more later. Hang in there!

  2. If you need anything (or just a friendly face), do let us know. I work in Jamsil and can get to Samsung fairly easily to drop stuff off.

  3. Thank God you are alive! Being in the hospital is the best case scenario, considering the alternatives. Keep fighting!

  4. I hope that you get well soon, Kevin.

  5. Wow!! Glad to hear from you. Will continue sending positive thoughts your way.


  6. Stay well, Kevin. You should be good with the stent so keep your hopes up!

    - Jim

  7. So, it's Kevin 2...Grim Reaper nil. Keep it that way. Btw, it's good to know that there are some good Samaritans in Seoul.

  8. Glad to hear you are still with us. Please do keep us posted when you can.



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