Tuesday, August 27, 2024

numbers for August 27

blood sugar: 199
blood pressure: 116/76
weight: 112 kg (slight regain)
pulse-ox: 97%
pulse: 77
estimated A1c since 7/29: 6.03 (moving in the wrong direction!)

I have another day or so of Charles's leftovers to eat, then I'm back to eating in my own style. It seems obvious there's a correlation between eating bread and farro (which I cook like rice in a rice cooker) and high blood sugar that sticks with you through the night and into the morning. In the larger picture, though, this is merely a bump. It's vegetarian fare with a generally low glycemic index, so it's not going to kill me.

BP is reassuring as the meds finally seem to be taking hold. Resting pulse is still disturbingly high; I wonder whether the meds I used to take, the ones addressing pulse, hypertension, etc., were the ones giving me all that diarrhea. Maybe the new meds are weaker. I still get the runs, but only occasionally now. The slight weight gain probably comes from not having had a proper poop yet today. Today is a fasting day, too, and normally, with my weird wiring, it's the next meal that prompts the previous meal to parachute out. So I might not see a decent poop until tomorrow, after I eat lunch. Or, who knows? My intestines might surprise me with a gift later today. They can be tricky that way.

Tonight is a walking night—first attempt at doing 2K around the park. If I can eventually go from 2K to 5K to 9K, that might be good. To be able to walk across the country, I need to be able to walk 10K without stopping. Most segments of the walk aren't more than 30K, so that's two rest breaks per day, and if I'm honest, I admit that I've had days where I took more than two breaks on the trail. So 10K is a nice, round number, a good standard to shoot for.

As I discovered, I'm obviously not ready to lie on my side: I rolled sideways in bed this morning and was met with excruciating sternum pain. I really think the answer to my problems is either a La-Z-Boy or a hospital-style adjustable bed, but I'll make do with my current pillow setup, which is at least tolerable even if my coccyx has begun to grumble.

I cooked up a mess of breakfast sausage last night, sampling two patties and giving one to David. The cooking will continue today as I prep a mess of bacon for next week. Eggs will also happen either today or tomorrow, then keto pancakes and waffles tomorrow. I have a standard recipe that I use for both pancakes and waffles, but I recently found a new recipe that I'm interested to try out. And although it's true that I'm prepping for next week, I'm eating only on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, which makes food prep all the easier.

Day by day. Baby steps.

1 comment:

  1. So, what I hear you saying is that you are full of shit. (sorry, couldn't resist).

    Good luck with the the walk effort today. Baby steps are better than no steps for sure!



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