Thursday, August 01, 2024

Trump vs. Harris loyalists: very revealing

A guy wears a Kamala tee to a Trump rally, and a Trump tee to a Kamala rally as a test of crowd character. How differently did the rally attendees react to his presence in their midst? You get only one guess as to which side was more tolerant. Now ask yourself whether the left is projecting when it keeps claiming the righties are the violent, bigoted, intolerant, hateful ones.

I'm glad to see George thriving on Twitter. He got booted off YouTube simply for telling the truth. These days, honesty makes you a radical.

1 comment:

  1. Sad, but not surprising. And yes, everything the left says about the right is just them looking in the mirror.

    I loved how the woman at the Trump rally burst into laughter when the guy wore his Biden shirt. I think that's how I would react as well. Sort of like I do now when I see someone walking around outdoors wearing a mask.



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