Saturday, March 01, 2014

Sad Turd Day doings

1. Meet a colleague in a few minutes to talk over a course we're both teaching (same course, but teaching it separately).

2. Tromp over to my campus office to drop off my load of textbooks. Maybe stick around a few hours and write up some icebreaker activities for this coming week. (Or just do this at home.)

3. Go shop for some shtuff to eat.

4. Take a walk around town...?

Starting next week, I won't be buying any more carbs. I'll use up the carbs I currently have in storage, then concentrate, over the next few months, on buying fresh meat and fresh veggies. Once pay day rolls around, I plan to go and finally get a Korean Costco membership (about W35,000, from what I hear), at which point I ought to have access to real cheese for cheaper than can be found at the typical Korean grocery. Once I'm Costco-ified, I'll be doing meat-and-cheese runs, stocking my fridge with delectable edibles.

Not that I won't cheat every once in a while. I plan to reserve two or three "naughty" days per month. Just to give my insulin something to do.

And—no promises—but I want to start waking up very early, like around 6AM or 6:30, to do morning walks. Time to follow Ben Franklin's wisdom about being early.



  1. Let's not call them cheat days; promotes the wrong attitude. Carb cycling is a well-established and very effective means of weight/fat reduction. The essentials are: (i) beginning Sunday night and continuing through Friday night, eat no more than ~ 30 grams of carbs a day; (ii) Friday night, Saturday and Sunday daytime, eat sufficient crabs to replenish muscle stocks of glycogen - depends on amount and intensity of exercise, but say 300-400 grams a day, if you're not going to be doing a lot of intense exercise; (iii) only eat the right kinds of carbs - slow, low glycemic, e.g., sweet potatoes - no/minimum amt of grains, NO sugar-laden shit.


  2. I've been on and off diets myself for nearly 15 years. No easy answers, obviously. I thought the information in this article on The Diet Fix book was interesting.

  3. Your US Costco membership should work here in Korea.
    They'll try to scan it and when it doesn't work they'll look at it and see that it's a US card. Then they'll key something in to register and bypass the regular system.
    (at least that is what they did for me a decade ago--and what they've done for me in the US with my Korean membership card).

    Depending on when it expires, that could postpone a 30 or 40 dollar expense for a while.

  4. Thanks, Joe. Alas, my US Costco membership lapsed back around July or August of last year, so I have no choice but to start fresh.



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