So that's what things looked like a few days before I got the hell outta there. I hope this gives you an idea of what my living conditions were like for six months. I'm amazed that I survived that stint without going nuts: architecturally speaking, I'm a big fan of huge, airy, vaulted spaces. My ideal living situation would be a capacious loft apartment that I own, complete with its own gym; a huge, world-class kitchen area; and sleeping units and couches ringing the edge. That, or a large, high-ceilinged mansion out in the middle of nowhere—on a mountainside, maybe, close to a lake and some rivers—with bears patrolling the environs, and no neighbors except for some very hot, very lonely young women looking for a little fireside comfort during the winter. Basically: the opposite of what I just lived in for half a year.
In that photo of your laundry rack, I'm going to assume that the bit you mosaicked out is, in fact, the entrails of some alien that you stalked and killed late at night in some back alley.