Tuesday, November 14, 2017

al-tang redux

I purchased a bunch more al (fish roe) to stick inside my al-tang. I had bought two kinds of roe before: huge eggs sacs from some imported fish (Russia!), and much smaller pollock-roe sacs (also from Russia) that turned out to be better because they're a bit sweeter and far less salty. I cooked the new batch of roe separately, then loaded the stew up with it, such that there's now an insane amount of al in my soup. Today's lunch:


  1. If you'll be my bodyguard, I can be your long lost pal....

  2. Freshman year in college, a chick named Anne and I used to flirt by using that song. Years later, when email had finally caught on, she would address me as "Al" and sign her emails as "Betty."



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