Thursday, March 07, 2019

April it is, then

With my firecrotch still raging in my pants, and with air quality much better but still dodgy today, it's obvious I won't be making the long hike this coming weekend. Ah, well. So: April it is, then. Once my nethers recover, I'll try for the earliest April weekend I can, but we do have to remember those April showers....


  1. Maybe wait until you are healed but my main defense against rubbing down there while running is Vaseline. It is pretty common for marathon runners - a sweaty bunch - to Vaseline their nipples. I don't know if it is only overweight people like me who Vaseline their thighs but I do know it helps.

  2. Excellent thought. Thanks.

    Do you have any suggestions for a good analgesic/healing rub? I've got a medical ointment, but I'm wondering if something more explicitly aloe-based might be better.

  3. Sorry to hear about the firecrotch. Tomorrow would have been a good day for the walk.

  4. I can't suggest an ointment but I do find aloe dries sticky. In your position I might use it to recover but not during the walk- maybe after the walk in the evenings.



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