Sunday, August 11, 2019

2019 Incheon-Busan Walk: the puzzle of Day 1

Just thinking out loud, here...

I'm in Seoul, but on Day 1 of my upcoming walk, I want to start in Incheon. Normally, I prefer to be out on the path before 6 a.m., but I don't see how I can do that on Day 1. If I take the subway out to Incheon Station, then take a cab from the station to the start of the Four Rivers path over at the Ara Canal West Sea Lock, I won't be starting the walk until after 7 a.m. The sun will be high in the sky by that point, even in late September.

Maybe that's the only way to do it, though. If I'm an hour or two late in my schedule, that won't be tragic: I'll still get plenty of rest at the end of Day 1, probably at my usual EG Hotel near the Gayang Bridge in western Seoul, or at one of the motels across the street from the hotel. The end of Day 2 is going to be a little weird: I'll be overnighting in my own apartment, which now becomes yet another waypoint on the road to Busan (itinerary).

So, yeah, maybe there's nothing for it. I'll simply take the 5 a.m.-ish subway out to Incheon Station, arrive around 7 a.m., take a cab from Incheon Station out to Ara Canal West Sea Lock, and begin my ramble a bit before 8. I've had late starts before; they didn't kill me.

But, wait—I just thought of another option: train out to Incheon on the Friday night before Day 1 (a Saturday) begins, stay overnight at my usual motel (the Techno), be out of the motel by 5:15 a.m., then grab a cab out to the seaside. I could easily start my Day 1 walk before 6:30 rolls around. That might actually be the better solution. Yes, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, that was my first thought. No stress, no worries. Wake up fresh and ready to roll...



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