Tuesday, October 29, 2019

a Styx dump

While I was on the trail, even while in pain and in bed, I watched every video that Styx put out. He's in the Netherlands with his Dutch wife now (they were married only recently; it came as a surprise to us viewers), and he's been focused on election-related commentary, among other topics. Here are the Styx vids that I found worth sharing with you:

For those of you who think you know Styx and hate him without actually having listened to him, I'd advise you to watch a few videos before concluding that he's an alt-right Nazi advocating white supremacy. Reaching such a conclusion, based on zero evidence, is the same species of idiocy that makes Beto O'Rourke parrot all the boilerplate accusations made against Trump. Maybe try listening, for once, instead of pre-judging. To be clear: Styx isn't a Republican. He isn't a rightie. He self-identifies as a pro-borders libertarian (most libertarians are of the open-borders variety). Alles klar?

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