Wednesday, August 11, 2021

"COVID hypocrisy"

 Styx on "rules for thee but not for me":

"COVID hypocrisy is just the most potentially glaring example [of it]. For instance, with employment. Politicians aren't forced to get vaccinated, but you might have to be forced to get vaccinated. Again, it depends on the business, the state, the locality, and stuff; it's a goddamn public-policy nightmare. It's a total mess. Very chimeric in nature. You have to wear the mask to get on the plane. The Texas Democrats, when fleeing Texas to avoid having to establish quorum and do the will of their constituents, they're on their privately chartered jet—not a single mask in sight. And then they start, you know, grandstanding and Instagramming in DC, and it was all very cringey and very funny, to be sure, but it's hypocrisy. 

"When I look at public policy and officials, I don't judge them entirely by their words, and this is something that you should train yourself to do. Don't just listen to what they say—you have to pay attention to that even if it's all a bunch of horseshit most of the time. Pay attention to if there's a differential between what they are preaching and how they are actually acting. Do they talk the talk, or do they also walk the walk? You'll find that, most of the time, they don't walk the walk. 

"They'll complain about deforestation, but they'll never plant a tree. They'll complain about too much pollution, but they're buying materialistic bullshit, too. Pelosi's $10,000 [fridge] certainly [applies here]; her fifty-dollar ice-cream tub, stuff like that. Obama talks about climate change; it's going to raise the ocean level and swallow up most of Florida, but his mansion is barely above sea level. When you see hypocrisy of this kind, when you see that the actions and the words can't meaningfully fit together, be assured that you're being sold NIMBYist bullshit."

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