Wednesday, August 11, 2021

real Scotch pies

You may recall that I once attempted to make a Scotch pie a couple years ago. Well, here's a pretty good video by a British gent of how to do the thing right. My only quibble—and it isn't much of one—is that the cook didn't make the pies with tall rims so that you could add moist trimmings on top of the pie. Scotch pies are apparently a big seller at football (soccer) events, and they're supposed to be eaten as a kind of finger food (or food eaten with the fingers)—the way New Yorkers say a pizza is properly eaten (i.e., with the hands, and never with a fork and knife, as that would immediately signal that you're a pizza retard). The video:

One of these days, I'll do a proper Scotch pie, lard crust and all.


  1. "the way New Yorkers say a pizza is properly eaten"

    HaHa! That triggered a memory from a long-ago business trip to Philadelphia. My local staff took me to a small mom-and-pop Italian restaurant. As I was preparing to order, one of the group told the waitress/owner that I didn't roll my spaghetti onto the fork, I cut it into bites. She looked at me and matter of factly said, "no spaghetti for you then." I am pretty sure she was serious.



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