Sunday, November 21, 2021

more news from the world of vaccinations

Here's a headline for you:

Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age

The subtitle reads:

And have been for six months. This chart may seem unbelievable or impossible, but it's correct, based on weekly data from the British government.

Glenn Reynolds remarks:

“I have checked the underlying dataset myself[,] and this graph is correct. Vaccinated people under 60 are twice as likely to die as unvaccinated people. And overall deaths in Britain are running well above normal.”

So my first thought was that people with health problems might be more likely to get vaccinated. But the overall death rate for that age group is up too.

UPDATE: Jim Bennett writes: “I wonder if the unvaccinated population has been checked for prior COVID exposure. It may be that most surviving over-60s in England have been infected with COVID[,] and many had mild or no [symptoms and] had acquired immunity without knowing it.”

Here's a quick excerpt from the article:

I don’t know how to explain this other than vaccine-caused mortality.

The basic data is available here[;] download the Excel file and see table 4:

So, far from people telling me I need to watch myself because I remain unvaccinated, maybe you vaccinated folks need to watch yourselves. My boss got vaccinated recently, and he suffered some mild complications as a result. (He's fine now.) To be fair, my American coworker got vaxxed and has experienced no problems. Friends and relatives have gotten jabbed and suffered few if any ill effects. It's hard to know what to believe, with different news sources saying different things. I've long said I'm not anti-vaxx, but with all the news coming out about how natural immunity is better than being vaccinated, I'm really starting to have some doubts about the merits of vaccination.

And what counts as being "fully vaccinated"? The goalposts keep moving on this topic. A second vaccination is enough? A third? A booster? Two boosters? Where does it end?

If my vaxxed friends suddenly start dying off, then I guess I'll know the truth, or at least have a hint of it. If I die before they do, well, I guess they'll know the truth.

I'll once again link to The COVID Blog, which deals with vaxx-related issues. There's an article on the site about Karen Croake-Heisler,* who apparently said, "Damn the unvaccinated," then promptly died 12 days later (presumably of COVID) despite three Pfizer injections. Examples like hers abound, and this blog rounds them up.** Merken Sie gut!

ADDENDUM: for balance's sake, an article praising the effectiveness of vaccines here. The comments appended to the article are also interesting.


*The article follows Croake-Heisler's tweets; she was tweeting even when she fell ill, and she kept irrationally blaming the unvaccinated for her woes, completely unaware that she was implying the several injections she'd received were obviously useless for her. If you've been jabbed, and you believe the "mRNA injection" (as the article calls it) is effective, then you have no reason to fear the unvaccinated. Unless you harbor a sneaking suspicion that the jab you got isn't effective. You can't have it both ways.

**Of course, the very act of rounding up these cases can produce a sort of prejudicial effect in the mind. Let's say there's some disease that kills 100 scattered people a year in the United States. 100 people, in a population of 330 million, is minuscule, as stats go. But if I round up all those deaths and place them on a single page, the deadliness of the disease suddenly seems more significant. So to be clear, I'm aware of this psychological phenomenon. That said, the case for vaccinations not being the best option is still building, and it's being under-reported by the mainstream media which is, once again, why I rely on alt-media for most of my information these days. Stop watching CNN, folks. It's mostly lies.

1 comment:

  1. CNN is deadlier than the virus!

    That's an incredible story out of the UK. It adds credence to the view that letting COVID run its natural course is the best option. Seems to me these so-called vaccines are more like a flu shot--sometimes they work for some people, sometimes they don't. No one tries to mandate a flu shot.



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