Wednesday, January 18, 2023

...and out the other side

So, for those who haven't been following my secret "frank" posts, the big news is that my boss came through at the eleventh hour, talking with our CEO and hammering out a deal that basically gives me everything I want: regular hours, an office that's physically far from the CEO (we're staying in Mido), a reasonable workload, continued stay at my current residence (that's now confirmed: I won't have to pay rent), and the return of most of our team. I'm even getting a 20% raise, which I never asked for, but which the boss threw into the mix as he talked with the CEO about the future of our team.

All in all, good news. The CEO is off to Vietnam, but in true CEO style, he's still reaching out to us via phone and email. I'm not too incensed, though: knowing this sort of thing will henceforth happen only during work hours is reassuring.

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