Sunday, June 25, 2023

"crush depth"

YouTube's algorithm knows I've been seeking out information about the ill-fated Titan, which is why I'm now seeing a series of morbid videos from before this incident that relate to what happens to subs and people at depth. A lot of the information in the embedded videos below is stuff you can probably guess at.

The following video is entirely too cheerful:

This old "Mythbusters" video, which I remember from back when it originally aired, is also too cheerful by far, but as one commenter beneath the video noted, the effect being reproduced was at about the depth of 100 meters. Whatever happened to the complement of the Titan would have been far more extreme in every way, with the people inside rarely registering an implosion before they all died. That said, the "Mythbusters" video is disturbing in the current context, not to mention sad given Grant Imahara's untimely death.

Probably the most relevant video of the bunch:

That last video mentions a factor we don't think about much: heat. Following the physics of a pressure cooker, the half-ton of human meat inside the submersible will heat up to almost stellar temperatures in an instant in an implosion, and that's one reason why you're not likely to find recognizable remains from the incident. I hadn't thought about that.

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