Sunday, June 25, 2023

the future of Middle Earth

Nerd Cookies fears for the future of Middle Earth:

I'm an unreconstructed capitalist, but even I can see that the darker side of capitalism is the corporatization and commodification of things. In the coming years, it may be best just to stick to Tolkien's original writings. We got a great trio of movies from Peter Jackson, but that same Peter Jackson went on to produce the ill-advised cash grab that was the Hobbit trilogy. The gaming world exploded with various forms of Middle Earth-related campaigns, and that's only going to get worse. Meanwhile, Amazon hubristically bought limited rights to a narrow portion of Tolkien's notes, and on that shaky foundation—with a large dash of wokeness—it produced the titanic megaturd known as "The Rings of Power." Despite the abject failure of that show's first season, a second season is in production, and a total of five seasons are planned. Why Amazon has chosen self-immolation as its path, I'll never quite comprehend. An often-repeated video shows Peter Jackson, back when he was making the first LOTR trilogy, talking about how he was trying to respect Tolkien's intent, and even though his movies did end up taking gross liberties with the story on the page, many fans got the impression that Jackson had at least tried to be as good as his word, respecting Tolkien to the extent possible for love of the literature. The idiots working for Amazon made noises about respecting canon, but it quickly became obvious that they were more intent on reshaping Tolkien "for modern audiences." Agenda was more important than story, a state of affairs that could only arise from the matrix of a corporate mindset. Now this mindset, in the context of capitalism, isn't inevitable, as the earlier Peter Jackson initially proved. But the corporate mindset is nevertheless a prominent danger, as the later Peter Jackson eventually proved, with Amazon bumbling close behind. I think Nerd Cookies's fear is legitimate.

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