Tuesday, July 16, 2024

guess I won't have to worry about Doug for a while

Doug in Exile, featuring host Doug TenNapel (interesting surname), seems to have disappeared: the account's been terminated. I can only guess it's because he was loudly and unrepentantly conservative both politically and religiously, a fact that caused me to view him with ambivalence.* I suspect he'll be back at some point, but for the moment, we'll all have to bear the burden of existing Douglessly for the next little while. Can't say I'm all that sad, but to his credit, Doug was right in his recent speculation that JD Vance was going to be Trump's VP pick. You called it, Doug, wherever you are.


*Politically, I suppose I'm center-right these days, but religiously, I'm an off-the-scale liberal. Doug's views on things like gay marriage struck me as repugnant, so I had to be selective in what lessons I took from his channel.

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