Monday, July 15, 2024

Doug thinks he has the answer

Doug believes (and this was before the assassination attempt) he knows who the VP pick for Trump is:

Yikes—Don Jr. has his dad's small hands!

JD Vance is the author of the bestselling Hillbilly Elegy, which got made into a movie starring Glenn Close and Amy Adams. They say he's another big MAGA-head, which makes me wonder why some people like him more than Vivek. As a MAGA-head, Vance, too, brings nothing new to the table. Is he in contention because of his hillbilly roots? His religion? I don't know, but I'm getting tired of the prejudicial reasons for disliking Vivek. Doug, as an unapologetic Christian, is also prejudiced against Vivek for religious reasons. It's irrational. Anyway, of all the possible VP picks out there, I find JD Vance to be very low on the totem pole. But, hell... if he's picked, then so be it, I guess. And here we go again.


  1. I don't like it either, but he is the most inclined to keep MAGA going. Too bad Trump can't just nominate one of his children instead if he isn't going with the likes of Vivek or Tulsi.

  2. I'm not surprised, and I'm okay with the Vance selection. He can help bring home those midwestern battleground states. From what I've read, he's a real smart guy. He was a Trump critic in 2016, so I'm sure we'll be seeing the Dems replaying those old words. Bring it on, bitches!



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