Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ave, Jelly!

Quite possibly the most humorous look at human misery I've ever read. I don't recall being half this funny when I was in the throes of those nasty headaches.

In her post, Jelly jokes about having formed a group called "MOAN" while in hospital. For whatever reason, this reminded me of that routine from the Jerky Boys' prank phone call album, where the one Jerky Boy calls a clinic up, puts on a fake Middle Eastern accent, and yells that he needs treatment because he's been hit in the mouth:

"He-- punch-- my-- teeth!! OWWWWW!!"



  1. Ha! I remember that Jerky Boys call, and I'm cracking up thinking about it again!

  2. Jerky Boyz, Workie Toyz?

  3. THIS IS MY PEE-PEE PLACEpreppin!!!



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