Sunday, October 10, 2010

gearing up

I've got job training this coming Monday, from 8:30AM to 12:30PM. This ought to be interesting. I've been through the tutorial and certification process, but Monday's job training is all about the admin stuff-- how to log in, how to coordinate with the "scoring leader," etc. I'm reviewing procedures this weekend, and have logged in my bids for work over the coming six weeks (last half of October through November). I've been told that the October slots were mostly filled up in early September, so there's a chance I might not start work until November.

Since I'm bidding for full, 8-hour shifts, my bids ought to take priority over people bidding for 4-hour slots. Law of the jungle, baby.



  1. 8 hours of marking!!! Oh the horror!! My mind turns to mush after 1!

  2. Yeah, this isn't going to be easy for me, either.



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