Friday, October 15, 2010

Mr. Connery!

The French giggle at Sean Connery's surname, since it sounds like the French word connerie (stupidity, nonsense, bullshit, etc.). It looks as though Mr. Connery may be living up to the French notion of his name, as he has failed to appear in a Spanish court with regard to a property dispute. Connery's absence may lead to a warrant for his arrest:

Sir Sean Connery failed to show up at a Costa del Sol court for questioning over a disputed land deal today.

The former 007 claimed in a fax to the court he had not had time to prepare for the long journey from his Bahamas home.

The investigating magistrate in charge of the case will now consider whether to go ahead with an earlier threat to issue an international arrest warrant against the 80-year-old actor.
However it is appears more likely that he would instead make a formal request to speak with Connery at his home in the Caribbean.

A court worker, confirming the actor's no-show, said: 'Mr Connery has informed the court in writing he won't be coming today. He has cited health reasons and his advanced age and said he has not been able to prepare the journey in time.

'The court is now considering its next move. The emission of an international arrest warrant is a possibility but a remote one. The most likely scenario is that the investigating magistrate will make a formal request through a rogatory commission to question Sir Sean at his home.

And thus I learn a new word: rogatory. Same root as interrogation. Reminds me a bit of a word I already know, hortatory, which comes from the same root as exhortation. (I've used the word a few times on this blog.)

Good luck, Mr. Connerie. Uh, Connery.


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