Tuesday, December 21, 2010

leaving the peninsula

Two recent blog posts that mull the notion of leaving the peninsula.

1. First, here's John McCrarey on what an evacuation would look like.

2. Next, here's Gord with a thoughtful meditation on gettin' the fuck outta Dodge.

One of my American expat buddies once said that, if war were to break out, he'd be "the first white boy out." I'd like to think that, were I in South Korea when war broke out, that I'd stick around and help my people keep their homeland. I realize I'm saying that from a safe, safe distance away from any potential danger, but it's a sentiment I've expressed even back when I was living in Seoul.

As wiser folks have noted, though, the likelihood of full-scale war remains minuscule, even now, with tensions once again ratcheting upward. "Same shit," as a Korean buddy of mine recently said. That sounds about right to me.


1 comment:

  1. I just can't believe how few people are prepared to survive a even a couple of weeks if there is a catastrophe. It's not like bottled water, a couple jars of peanut butter, and crackers are very expensive. However, they seem to have no problem spending more than they should on fancy coffee, the latest in clothing, or next-gen electronics.



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