Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Michael Cohen's opening statement

One of Donald Trump's former lawyers, Michael Cohen, is now at the beginning of what is to be several rounds of testimony—some of it public, much of it behind closed doors—in which he will accuse the sitting president of several types of malfeasance. The PDF of Cohen's opening statement is here (h/t Drudge); it opened on my browser and didn't download.

Cohen's statement, which I've now read in part, can be interpreted several ways, but there's a clear "I lied to Congress before, I know, but this time, you have to believe I'm telling the truth" vibe about it. Will Cohen's "irrefutable" evidence be enough to take Trump down? I seriously doubt it. The whole thing is going to get the mainstream media squawking and flapping excitedly, of course, because they keep forgetting the previous twenty times that the battle cry "Trump's going down for sure this time!" failed to herald any real results.

I recognize that some of you may doubt and attack me on my credibility. It is for this reason that I have incorporated into this opening statement documents that are irrefutable, and demonstrate that the information you will hear is accurate and truthful.


The last time I appeared before Congress, I came to protect Mr. Trump. Today, I’m here to tell the truth about Mr. Trump.


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