Thursday, April 16, 2020

the elements come together

Stuff I've prepped for tomorrow's luncheon:

Homemade barbecue sauce, now cooked and smelling better than ever:

Baked beans with dogs and bacon:

Some old-but-good chimichurri, to be used as a dip for the brisket sandwiches:

Festive-looking corn slaw:

And my perennial coleslaw:

When I finally do my blow-out-the-walls shindig to celebrate zeroing out my debt later this year, I'll include some other barbecue-shack faves like potato salad and mac-and-cheese (Iron Chef Mike Symon's recipe, of course—the one with the double cream). If I can figure out a way to simulate burnt ends, I'll include that, too.

Tonight: I'm prepping the brisket and the buns, using my friend Charles's recipe. This is risky: I've already failed twice with two different recipes, but now that I know the problem lies with the dead Korean yeast, I'm hoping that tonight's effort will bear some bready fruit.


  1. Damn, that all looks so good! Especially the coleslaw. It's been a long time since I've had beans and weenies. I'll have to make up a batch soon. Maybe I'll add some pineapple too! :)

  2. Fingers crossed on the bread. I was hoping to wake up to a post about how successful you were. For some reason I am inordinately nervous about how it will turn out.

  3. Now you see why the alien in my Gravatar is cackling.



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