Friday, June 12, 2020

the stuff is here

Can't say I'm all that happy with the new Blogger's image-publishing software. As you see, the pics are much smaller, and when I was uploading the images to the post, I was no longer able to select the size of the image to appear on my blog. So my apologies for the images you're seeing. Maybe you can click on them and see them full-size. I'll be finding out whether that's possible right alongside you. Anyway, yes: my items arrived, so here are some photos. The biggest disappointment, so far (I haven't tried the pasta roller yet, and I probably won't until this weekend), is the pepperoni, which doesn't look or taste or smell like real pepperoni. As you'll see below, I pan-fried some pepperoni discs to see how they'd react to heat, but the results were, to put it mildly, disappointing. I'll trundle up the street to the local branch of John Cook Deli Meats to see whether ol' Mr. Cook has some legitimate pepperoni. 







What pepperoni ought to look like:

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