Tuesday, June 23, 2020

tonight: BREAD

Once I get home tonight, I'll be working on making a batch of bread for Friday. I also need to make garlic butter, but that's not hard. If I have time and energy, I'll make and freeze another batch of pasta, but if I can't do that tonight, I'll do it either tomorrow or Thursday night. Prep for Friday is already nearly done. The spaghetti sauce tastes amazing: completely homemade, including the Italian sausage. The pesto is awesome, too, and tonight, I'll sample some of the chocolate "mouce" to see how good it is. I think it's gonna rock.

1 comment:

Charles said...


Incidentally, my oat bread came out quite hearty and good, but there is room for improvement. More hydration and gluten will do the trick.

Good luck with your batch.