Friday, August 20, 2021

tonight's joyful sin

The pizza at Randolph Beer turned out to be much smaller than it looked in pictures:

That said, the pizza was damn good. Thin crust, covered in pepperoni as advertised. JW said he was glad to be able to order the type of pizza he liked for once. Apparently, when he's with his family, his preferences get overridden and the family tends to order things like combo pizzas. Like me, JW is a man of simple tastes—pepperoni or pepperoni and sausage will do him just fine. So tonight was pepperoni-only, which suited us both.

I felt full earlier today, but after a massive afternoon dump, my guts were ready for more abuse, and the pizza was welcome. JW had just come back from a business trip, so he was tired and hungry and ready for pizza, too. We wolfed the pie down when it arrived, and we guzzled two cans of soda each. I'm definitely paying for this tomorrow, but for now, I'm a happy camper.  All in all, a very good dinner. The gods are pleased. And if you're into smallish pizzas with thin crusts that are covered in pepperoni, I definitely recommend Randolph Beer, whose beer selection went untouched by us.

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