Sunday, September 12, 2021

back at the office

I'm at the office, and I'll be here until, oh, 10 or 11 p.m. tonight, working on the last four chapters of proofreading I've been given to do. 

Weighed myself this morning and wasn't surprised to see "104 kg" pop up on the scale, so I've reached my weight-gain limit of 2-3 kg. (Remember that I was at 101 kg at the end of the Newcastle diet.) I'm therefore going to be mostly fasting the next three days (maybe there'll be a salad in there somewhere), like a wrestler trying to make it into a lower weight class, and just in time for my doctor's appointment on Thursday. 

My expectation is that my BP will still register as somewhat high, so the docs won't be dropping my BP meds. Blood sugar (fasting glucose, A1c) will be much lower than in June, and while I hope the docs decide to take me off some of those meds, I have a feeling they won't. As for blood thinners, much depends on how they assess the strength of my heart. If they recognize my heart is a lot stronger, four months on, and after loads of stairs training, then maybe they'll take me off blood thinners, which would be nice (I have a huge, mysterious bruise on my upper left arm; it's not fading, and I have no idea where it came from, but it's there likely thanks to the blood thinners.) We'll soon see how reality matches my predictions.

Righto... back to work. More later.

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