Tuesday, October 25, 2022

I'll be trying out this bread recipe soon

Will this keto-friendly bread be another rubbery, tasteless mess? I'm hoping it'll be good so I can make hamburgers (and maybe hot dogs) with it. Problem is, I've worked with oat fiber before, and it tastes, well, oat-y. A similar Keto King recipe produced bread that was, after it had cooled down, chewy, rubbery, and off-smelling. Without a doubt, the bread here looks impressive, but I've been fooled before, so I'm more wary now. Also, as the lady admits in the video, this bread isn't literally without carbs: each piece has 4 net grams of carbs. If you're on a 20-gram-a-day keto diet, a mere two pieces of this bread will really cut into your carb budget.


Charles said...

While I admire your commitment to the cause, I would be very surprised if that came out resembling actual bread. As usual, though, I am morbidly curious.

Kevin Kim said...

Let's pray this works.