Friday, June 21, 2024

I disagree

The anchor tries to make the case for elder abuse, but I don't buy it:

What I wrote in reply to the video:

Like so many commenters, and with respect, I have no sympathy for the "elder abuse" argument. When Joe had half his marbles, he said yes to running, and I'm sure it's his own stubborn, senile ego that keeps him from throwing in the towel for this newest election cycle. People around him (maybe not Jill) are doubtless suggesting that he step aside, but Joe won't do so, and until he does, it's all Joe all the time until he keels over or finally leaves the Oval Office. The best we can hope for is change in November.

The above isn't a very original thought; about half the comments to the video are in this same vein. No one has sympathy for old Joe. If you think he's being abused and he's not in control, then you can't blame him for the mess he's made. The anchor suggests blaming the cabal behind Joe, his puppeteers, but since we don't know who those people are, exactly, you're basically blaming no one. Better and simpler to blame Joe who, even if you won't admit it, still has enough marbles to make his own decisions. As long as Joe has the power of choice, he's morally on the hook for his actions. I definitely hold him accountable.

UPDATE: another interesting video that also nevertheless touts the elder-abuse line:

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