Thursday, June 27, 2024

Mark Robinson en fuego

Doug is highlighting these video clips of Mark Robinson because Robinson is unapologetically Christian. Yeah, yeah. Doug is having a moment: as someone who comes off as something of a Christian fundamentalist, someone who is against gay marriage and seemingly for scriptural literalism (or something close), he must be very pleased by Trump's recent endorsement of putting the Ten Commandments in every public school—a move I think would be a huge, moderate-alienating mistake, and that would probably be fought at every level if people tried to implement such a policy. So I take no pleasure in the way Doug is rejoicing at this seeming resurgence of theocratic sentiment from the religious right. But I'm putting up this Doug video all the same because Mark Robinson is truly an electrifying speaker. Make what you will of his religiosity, but the man knows how to relate to the masses as a public speaker. Maybe Robinson will run for president sometime soon. I'd likely vote for him if he did.

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