Friday, May 20, 2022

global warming and why we shouldn't worry

This is more the sketch of an argument than an actual argument, but it's worth listening to:

I'm totally with the greens if their main contention is that humanity is doing bad things to the environment. We are, without a doubt, belching noxious fumes into the air, dumping chemicals into our waterways, allowing microparticles of plastic to end up inside aquatic life, and clogging our rivers with plastic bottles. All of that is undeniable, and it's a great shame whether we think of ourselves as stewards of this earth (as Christians might) or simply as an integral part of the processual swirl of reality (as Buddhists and Taoists might). And there's plenty we could be doing to change the situation. 

Where I part ways with the greens is when they say, with absolute conviction, that global warming is almost all anthropogenic. I think there's room for discussion on this point. I also part ways with them when they make wild-eyed predictions about how the earth will be a decade from now. The greens don't help their own cause when they engage in stupid rhetoric. This is not how you persuade people.

Subjectively speaking, I seem to remember Seoul being much colder in the wintertime. I recall the same about my hometown of Alexandria, Virginia. When was the last time I ever saw the Potomac River frozen over? When was the last time Seoul was engulfed in a deep, icy chill, with subzero winds? Maybe in the 90s? So I suspect there might be something climatic going on, but I don't think we're anywhere near diagnosing the problem properly. I admit I could be wrong, but that's my feeling. Meanwhile, no island nations have sunk beneath the waves, the North Pole's ice cap is still in place (and the South pole's ice cap often grows!), and there's no chance in hell the world will effectively end in a decade, pace AOC. Surely, there's room in this discussion for climate-moderates like me.

As I've said before, I think we ought to concentrate on the obviously visible problems first, in the style of Rudy Giuliani's broken-windows policy, but writ large. Unclog the rivers that are clogged with plastic, for starters. Harvest trash floating on the surface of the sea and drifting in its depths. Keep working on green energy, but make sure it's economically viable (e.g., electric cars do horribly in cold-weather states because cold is the enemy of batteries, so figure out how to combat that problem). Keep hammering away at fusion, and if possible, look into things like raw mass-energy conversion: I'd love for there to be a real Mr. Fusion into which you could throw literally anything to make fuel, even though I now know such a device is implausible at best, at least with today's science.

Meanwhile, we shouldn't stress when the far left screams the world is about to end. We humans might kill each other, granted, but as George Carlin noted, the planet's going to do just fine, with or without us. If only the lefties could hear themselves—hear how much they sound like apocalyptic Christian fundamentalists.

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